O u r w i n e s , t h e r e w a r d f o r a j o b w e l l d o n e .
O u r h i s t o r y

The life of our family has always been linked to viticulture. For several generations, both the Pangua family in San Vicente de la Sonsierra and the Sodupe family in San Asensio have dedicated themselves to the cultivation and production of their own wines.
O u r v i n e y a r d s
Located in the districts of San Asensio, Briones and San Vicente de la Sonsierra, we have 25 hectares of our own vineyards with an average age of 45 years.

Carrying out and controlling all the operations of the winemaking process, from pruning the vine to the last drop that fills the bottle, gives us the opportunity to produce excellent fruit for subsequent vinification.
T r a d i t i o n a l e l a b o r a t i o n

O u r w i n e s