A family united to viticulture

Our Philosophy
“ T h e r e w a r d f o r w o r k w e l l d o n e i s t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o d o m o r e w o r k w e l l d o n e . ”
The life of our family has always been linked to viticulture. For several generations, both the Pangua family in San Vicente de la Sonsierra and the Sodupe family in San Asensio have dedicated themselves to the cultivation and production of their own wines.

The Origins
W h e r e d o w e c o m e f r o m ?

The history of Heredad Pangua Sodupe wineries begins in 1989, when Severiano Sodupe and Roberto Pangua, two experienced viticulturists, began to market their own wines, which they had already produced for generations in a century-old winery located in the San Asensio winery neighborhood (La Rioja).
For 10 years they carry out small-scale productions with about seven hectares of vineyards, dedicating themselves to the production of young wines for sale and some tests on how their own wine evolved in oak barrels.

The Talent
W h o a r e w e ?

Roberto Pangua
Director General

Andrés Pangua Sodupe
Director Técnico
Our Path
S t e p b y s t e p

The beginning
Severiano Sodupe and Roberto Pangua, experienced viticulturists, begin to market their own wines.
Small-scale productions
For 10 years they are dedicated to the production of young wines for sale and carry out some tests on how their own wine evolved in oak barrels.

New winery, new vineyards.
Acquisition by purchase and inheritance of new vineyards in San Asensio, Briones and San Vicente de la Sonsierra, together with the construction of a new winery. The range of wines on the market is expanded and the production of Crianzas, Reservas, Autor Wines and Gran Reservas begins.
Eco-sustainable model
Continuing with traditional production, betting on innovation and sustainable and precision agricultural practices, respectful of nature.

The Future
W h e r e w e g o ?

Roberto Pangua, together with his son Andrés Pangua Sodupe, work with 25 hectares of their own vineyards with an average age of 45 years, 90% of which are goblet-trained and 10% trellis-trained, practicing sustainable and precision agriculture, respectful of the nature, and abolishing the application of chemical fertilizers, herbicides and other compounds that can be harmful to the environment.
The terroir of the different plots that our family owns, mostly clay-calcareous, offers us wines with unique organoleptic qualities that are deeply rooted in the wine-growing area from which they come.
All this, together with a traditional production in the cellar, but with small innovative nuances, and the philosophy of paying attention to every detail, of its grapes and subsequent wines, from the weeping of the vine, to the last drop that fills the bottle, makes our wines capable of satisfying the most exquisite palates.

N u e s t r o s G a l a r d o n e s